Encyklopedia Gier
Statystki Akali:
Damage 53 (+3.2 / per level)
Health 425 (+85 / per level)
Mana 200 (+0 / per level)
Move Speed 325
Armor 13.5 (+3.5 / per level)
Spell Block 30 (+1.25 / per level)
Health Regen 1.45 (+0.13 / per level)
Mana Regen 10 (+0 / per level)
Q: Mark of the Assassin - Akali spins her kama at a target enemy to deal magic damage and mark the target for 6 seconds. Akali's melee attacks against a marked target will trigger and consume the mark to cause additional damage and restore Energy.
Akali throws her kama at a target enemy to deal 45/70/95/120/145 (+0.4) magic damage and mark the target for 6 seconds.
Akali's melee attacks against a marked target will consume the mark to cause 45/70/95/120/145 (+0.4) magic damage and restore 15/20/25/30/35 Energy.
W: Twilight Shroud - Akali throws down a cover of smoke. While inside the area, Akali gains Armor and Magic Resist and becomes stealthed. Attacking or using abilities will briefly reveal her. Enemies inside the smoke have their Movement Speed reduced.
Akali throws down a cover of smoke that lasts for 8 seconds. While inside the area, Akali gains 10/20/30/40/50 Armor and Magic Resist and becomes stealthed. Attacking or using abilities will briefly reveal her.
Enemies inside the smoke are slowed by 14/18/22/26/30%.
E: Crescent Slash - Akali flourishes her kamas, dealing damage based on her Attack Damage and Ability Power.
Akali flourishes her kamas, slicing nearby enemy units for 30/55/80/105/130 (+0.6) (+0.3) physical damage.
R: Shadow Dance - Akali moves through shadows to quickly strike her target, dealing damage and consuming an Essence of Shadow charge. Akali recharges Essence of Shadow charges both periodically and upon kills and assists, max 3 stacks.
Akali moves through shadows to quickly strike her target, dealing 100/175/250 (+0.5) magic damage.
Akali stores an Essence of Shadow on kills and assists as well as every 25/20/15 seconds up to 3 total.
Passive: Twin Disciplines - Upon obtaining 20 Ability Power, Akali's basic attacks deal 8% bonus magic damage, increasing by 1% for every 6 Ability Power gained thereafter.
Upon obtaining 10 Bonus Attack Damage, Akali gains 8% Spell Vamp, increasing by an additional 1% for every 6 Bonus Attack Damage gained thereafter.
Champion Spotlight:
Ostatnio edytowany przez Jaho (2011-12-30 12:02:47)